Exodus3000 Wiki

Eunostos is a plain found at 21.8N, 120W and was named in 1958. Its name stand for "Lucky journey or lucky return".
Within the context of the game, Eunostos encompasses the region between 300N, 1E to 600N, 300E.
Eunostos viewed on Google Mars

Statistics Weapons | Defense | Intelligence | Security | Radar | Cargo | Storage | Capacity
In-game Elements Cards | Missions | Dig for Treasure | Minerals
In-game Terrain Types Homestead | Abandoned Homesteads | Settlements | Outposts | Stores | Timewarp | Volcanoes | Ruins | Craters | Plains | Dunes | Obelisks
In-game Locations Mars | Phobos
Rules and Regulations Alliances | Basics | Subscriber Benefits | FAQ | Cheating | Payouts | Purchases | Special Prizes | Referrals
Official Website Official site